品牌 TIANKANG/天康集团
6-35 kV交联聚乙烯绝缘电力电缆
一、用途 Uses
电缆用于额定电压3.6 (6)/6 kV、6.0 (8.7)/10 kV、8.7 (12)/15 kV、12 (18)/20 kV、21(26)/35 kV输配电系统,供输配电能之用。
The product is used for rated voltage of 3.6 (6) / 6 kV, 6.0 (8.7) / 10 kV, 8.7 (12) / 15 kV, 12 (18) / 20 kV, 21 (26) / 35 kV power distribution system, for transmission and distribution of electric energy use.
二、安徽天康电缆阻燃高压钢丝铠装电缆ZC-YJV32-8.7/15KV执行标准 Standards
本产品按照等效采用IEC 60502标准的GB/T 12706标准进行生产,阻燃类电缆符合国标GB/T 19666。
This product is used in accordance with IEC 60502 standard is equivalent to GB / T 12706 standard for production. Flame-retardant cable meets the national standard GB / T 19666.
三、使用特性 Product features
1、电缆导体高允许工作温度:正常运行时90 ℃,短路时(长5 s)为250 ℃。
Max. admissible temperature for conductor:90 ℃ under normal running condition,250 ℃ during short circuit(max. duration not exceeding 5s).
第1类电缆——用于单相接地故障时间每次不大于1分钟的系统,亦可用于长不超过8 h,每年累计不超过125 h的系统。
U0according to system ground fault duration pided into two categories, see Table 3-1.
Class 1 cable -- time for single-phase ground fault is less than 1 minute each time the system can be used for no longer than 8 h, 125 h per year does not exceed the total system.
Category 2 cable -- longer for ground-fault system, the cable insulation applications requiring high performance, it should be Category 2.
表3-1 Table 3-1 单位(Units):kV
导体之间的额定工频电压(U) Conductor between the rated power frequency voltage (U) | 设备高电压(Um) Maximum voltage equipment (Um) | 电缆导体与屏蔽或金属套之间的额定工频电压(U0) Conductor shielded cable with metal cover or between the rated power frequency voltage (U0) | |
第1类电缆 Class 1 cable | 第2类电缆 Category 2 cable | ||
6 | 7.2 | 3.6 | 6.0 |
10 | 12 | 6.0 | 8.7 |
15 | 17.5 | 8.7 | 12 |
20 | 24 | 12 | 18 |
35 | 42 | 21 | 26 |
3、电缆在环境温度不低于0 ℃条件下敷设时,无须预先加热,电缆的敷设不受落差限制。敷设时0.小弯曲半径:
Cable of not less than 0 ℃ ambient temperature under the conditions of laying, without pre-heating, cable laying is not drop restrictions. Minimum bending radius when laid:
单芯电缆(Single-core cable) 20(D+d)±5%mm
多芯电缆(Multi-core cable) 15(D+d)±5%mm
式中(Where):D——电缆的实际外径(The actual diameter of the cable),mm
d——电缆导体的实际外径(The actual diameter of the cable conductor),mm
四、交联电缆的型号及主要用途(表4-1)XLPE cable types and the main purpose (Table 4-1)
表4-1 Table 4-1
型号 Type | 名称 Name | 主要用途 Main purpose | |
铜芯 Copper | 铝芯 Aluminum | ||
YJV YJY | YJLV YJLY | 交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated PVC or PE sheathed power cable | 适用于室内、隧道、电缆沟及管道中,也可埋在松散的土壤中,不能承受外部机械压力,但可承受一定的敷设牵引。
Suitable for indoor, tunnel, cable trench and the pipe can also be buried in loose soil, can not withstand external mechanical stress, but can withstand a certain degree of laying traction |
ZC-YJV ZC-YJY | ZC-YJLV ZC-YJLY | 阻燃交联聚乙烯绝缘聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated flame-retardant PVC or PE sheathed power cable | |
YJV22 YJV23 | YJLV22 YJLV23 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated steel tape armored PVC or PE sheathed power cable | 适用于室内、隧道、电缆沟及地下直埋敷设,能承受机械外力作用,但不能承受大的拉力。
Suitable for indoor, tunnels, trenches and underground direct burial cable can withstand external mechanical forces, but can not afford a big pull. |
ZC-YJV22 ZC-YJV23 | ZC-YJLV22 ZC-YJLV23 | 阻燃交联聚乙烯绝缘钢带铠装聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated steel tape armored flame retardant PVC or PE sheathed power cable | |
YJV32 YJV33 | YJLV32 YJLV33 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated thin steel wire armored, PVC or PE sheathed power cable | 敷设在竖井、水下及具有落差条件下的场合,电缆能承受机械外力作用和相当大的拉力。
Laid in the shaft, and a drop of water under the conditions of the occasion, the cable can withstand external mechanical forces and considerable tension. |
ZC-YJV32 ZC-YJV33 | ZC-YJLV32 ZC-YJLV33 | 阻燃交联聚乙烯绝缘细钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated thin steel wire armor flame-retardant PVC or PE sheathed power cable | |
YJV42 YJV43 | YJLV42 YJLV43 | 交联聚乙烯绝缘粗钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated thick steel wire armored, PVC or PE sheathed power cable | 适用于水中、海底、落差较大及需跨越的场所等。较之细钢丝铠装电缆,粗钢丝铠装电缆能承受更大的拉力
For water, sea, across the gap and the need for larger premises and so on. Than thin steel wire armored cable, thick steel wire armored cable can withstand greater tension。 |
ZC-YJV42 ZC-YJV43 | ZC-YJLV42 ZC-YJLV43 | 阻燃交联聚乙烯绝缘粗钢丝铠装聚氯乙烯或聚乙烯护套电力电缆 XLPE insulated thick steel wire armor flame-retardant PVC or PE sheathed power cable | |
注:我公司还可生产与上述型号电缆相对应的:低烟低卤、低烟无卤型阻燃电缆,以及阻水型电缆。 Note: Our company can produce cables with the corresponding model: low smoke and low halogen, low smoke zero halogen flame retardant cable, and water-blocking cable. |
五、交联电缆的额定电压、芯数、截面范围(表5-1) XLPE cable rated voltage, core number, section range (Table 5-1)
表5-1 Table 5-1
额定电压 Rated voltage kV | *类电缆Class 1 cable | 3.6/6 | 6/10 | 8.7/15 | 12/20 | 18/30 | 21/35 |
第二类电缆Category 2 cable | 6/6 | 8.7/10 | 12/15 | 18/20 | - | 26/35 | |
导体截面范围 Conductor cross-section range mm2 | 单芯 Single | 25-1200 | 25-1200 | 35-1200 | 50-1200 | 50-1200 | 50-1200 |
三芯 Three-core | 25-400 | 25-400 | 35-400 | 50-300 | 50-300 | 50-300 |
六、电缆结构 Cable structure
1、6~35 kV交联电缆实物样品 6~35 kV XLPE cable in-kind samples
中低压电缆样品组 Sample group of low-voltage cable
2、6~35 kV交联电缆结构示意图 6 ~ 35 kV XLPE cable schematic
Single core XLPE cable Three-core XLPE cable
图中(Figure):1--导体 Conductor 图中(Figure):1--导体Conductor,
2--导体屏蔽 Conductor shield 2--导体屏蔽Conductor shield, 3--绝缘Insulation,
3--绝缘 Insulation 4--绝缘屏蔽 Insulation shield,5--金属屏蔽(铜带、
4--绝缘屏蔽 Insulation shield 铜丝) Metal shielding(copper, copper wire)
5--金属屏蔽(铜带、铜丝) 6--填充 Filling, 7--无纺布 Non-woven,
Metal shielding (copper, copper wire) 8--隔离套 Isolation units,9--金属铠装 Metal armor,
6--外护套 Outer sheath 10--外护套 Outer sheath
七、交货长度 Delivery length
Cable delivery length is generally less than 100 meters.
Allowing less than 50 meters short section of cable delivery, but their number should not exceed 10% of total delivery, delivery length to allow error ± 0.5%.
The specific length of delivery agreed upon by both parties.
八、订货须知 Ordering Information
如:要定8.7/10KV三芯铜芯240mm2钢带铠装的交联聚乙烯绝缘、聚氯乙烯护套电力电缆10公里,应写成:8.7/10KV YJV22 3×240mm2 10KM GB/T12706-2002
Orders must be marked when the cable’s rated voltage, model number or name, size, length, the implementation of the standards.
Such as: To set 8.7/10KV three-core copper, steel tape armored 240mm2 XLPE insulated, PVC sheathed power cable 10 km should be written as: 8.7/10KV YJV22 3 × 240mm2 10KM GB/T12706-2002.
When ordering, please note: cross-linked polyethylene insulated cables should choose a dedicated cross-linked polyethylene cables supporting the use of terminals and connectors